
Bugu Sport(不咕约球) is a WeChat Mini Program on the subject of campus sports whose user groups mainly focus on students, including college students, primary and secondary school students. It is now supported on WeChat. The development of the support platforms, including Android, iOS and web, are being planned.

Bugu Sport (不咕约球微信小程序) is based on the WeChat platform. If you would like to explore this application, please download WeChat and scan the QR code.

If you would like to know more about the details, such as the code and design of Bugu Sport, please click the button below to the GitHub repository.

Bugu Sport QR code

Development Purpose

  • Match Scheduling and Team Management

    Provide a platform for scheduling sports matches, managing teams, and recording data—the vision of making a Football Manager-like experience a reality.

  • Enhance Professionalism

    Aim to integrate professional resources, such as coaches, scouts, and referees, into campuses to explore new opportunities.

  • Campus Sports Interaction

    Provide an engaging sports interaction platform for 29 campuses, allowing both students and teachers to expand their personal sports networks and foster collaboration.

Platform Support

Bugu Sport comprises six core modules: Match, Street Game, Team, Authentication, Events, and Personal.

  • 1600+ Users
  • 15+ Sport Types
  • 30+ Teams
  • 29 Campus
  • 102 Sport Fields

Bugu Sport was released in November 2020, more and more students and teachers are using this app. Without any paid advertising, this app has gained a good user base and is keeping iterating to provide better sports services for schools.

Meet the Developers

Our team is composed of four software engineers and one UI/UX designer. We hope to contribute to the development of campus sports.